At the University of Haifa, the safety of all students is a top priority. The University of Haifa has taken a number of measures to ensure the campus is secure for all learners. The University has posted security guards at all entrances to campus as well as at the entrances of each building. In addition, there are security guards at both dormitory gates 24-hours-a-day. In case of emergency, the University of Haifa has a crisis management and evacuation plan in place. 

Likewise, the International School within the University of Haifa has developed additional protocol for safety and security of its students. Social Activity Coordinators (Madrichim) are available to students to help guide them through their time in Haifa. Students are provided with the phone number of the Madrich on-call upon their arrival to campus. The International School requires that all students purchase or rent a cell phone for the duration of their participation in the program. This enables the International School staff to contact all students and to provide security updates if necessary. When planning a trip, students are encouraged to consult with a Madrich before they choose a travel plan and to inform the International School of their plans when traveling. In addition, students are advised to register with the embassy of their home country within Israel. All of these requirements and recommendations are reviewed with the students as part of their initial orientation program. 

Because there are places in Israel that may be less safe, and because international students are not always familiar with these areas, we encourage our students to consult with our staff regarding individual travel. All of our trips and tours are organized and run in consultation with the relevant security authorities, including the University's Security Division and the Israeli Police and Defense Forces.